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There’s a song from my youth (a few minutes ago) called, Happy Together, by the Turtles.

It’s a toe-tapping song - full of harmony and lyrics about love. I often listen to a radio station in

my car that plays “oldies” and, when it plays, I turn up the volume and sing along. That’s how I

felt at the FWC “Sing, My Child” concerts on October 16 th and 17 th – so happy to be together

with the choir and our wonderful audiences!

The choir has been in rehearsals since August, but I’m in a listening season and have only been able to hear parts of songs since then. Dr. Kenaston-French always does a terrific job of programming our concerts, but the selections for this first series of “Hope Rising” were especially good for my soul. And the guest choirs – “Treble 24” from Benbrook Middle High School and “Brothers in Song” – were fabulous! Experiencing choral music with others is a powerful and healing thing.

As the seasons change and we near Thanksgiving, I’m filled with gratitude and hope. Although the pandemic has affected us on so many levels, I felt a deep, common thread of appreciation for the music, the composers who created the amazing works, and the singers who expressed the sometimes inexpressible. This thread – and you! – bind us together and have sustained us for almost 60 years.

I truly hope that you’ll plan to be encouraged and “happy together” when the choir performs “Tidings of Joy” in December. Please continue to follow us on our website and social media for concert tickets and details about the series on December 3rd , 4th and 5th. I’m sure it will bring us together in new and joyful ways!


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