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Jo Ann Antinone, Director

The LD Bell High School A Cappella Choir is the top performing ensemble of six from the LD Bell High School Blue Raider Choir Department. The choir has a rich history of excellence in the school and community and has been under the direction of Jo Ann Antinone for the last fourteen years and assisted by Carla Lindberg for the last 3 years. Members of the Choir hold offices in the choral department, Student Council, Class Council, Campus Clubs and are involved in many BHS activities including, but not limited to: Band, Orchestra, Color Guard, Swim, Tennis, National Honor Society, Soccer, Football, Cheerleading, Drill Team, and Theater Arts. Many members take advanced placement and/or Honors classes and participate in the International Baccalaureate Program.

The A Cappella Choir is a consistent recipient of UIL Sweepstakes Awards and has been honored as a National Winner of the Mark of Excellence Awards. Individually, Students in the choir consistently place in the TMEA Region 31 All-Region and All-District Choirs, have been members of the Texas All-State Choir, and earn numerous superior ratings at Solo & Ensemble Competition. Choir students serve as ambassadors of the BHS Choral program and frequently perform at events throughout the community. This spring, the LD Bell High School Choirs traveled to Russellville, Arkansas to perform with the Arkansas Tech University Choir and in March, the choir was honored to collaborate in an award winning performance of Finlandia with the LD Bell Full Symphonic Orchestra .

LD Bell High School A Cappella, Jo Ann Antinone Director

Carla Lindburg Assistant Director/ Accompanist


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